A safe place for women affected by violence and their children - thanks to you.
Crowdfunding for our women's shelter in the south of Sri Lanka
There is good news. And a less good one. The good news is: The authorities of the city of Matara have given us permission to set up the Sambol Foundation refuge - six months earlier than planned. We are very pleased, but it also presents us with a great challenge:
The first women seeking help and their children are at our door. But the house is not yet ready for use. That's why we urgently need your support.
In order to be able to take in the first women affected by violence and their children as quickly as possible and to secure the financing of the shelter for one year, CHF 30,000 is necessary.
Please help now With your donation.
With this you enable, for example:
the acquisition of furnishings / furniture
the kitchen equipment
Personnel such as therapists, doctors, lawyers, security guards
the rent for the shelter
Every contribution - no matter how much you can give - is important and helps to open the house as quickly as possible. In recognition of your generous support, you will receive one of the listed smaller or larger courtesies on request.
Every donation is valuable - thank you very much for your support.
Contributions can also be transferred, IBAN: CH44 0070 0114 8021 2333 5
Fondation des Fondateurs
Kirchgasse 42
8001 Zurich
Reason for payment: Sambol Foundation

Im Schutzhaus sind die Frauen und Kinder sicher vor ihren Tätern.

Im Schutzhaus sind die Frauen und Kinder sicher vor ihren Tätern.
That is why your support is so important.
Violence against women and children is a huge problem in Sri Lanka. Around 40 percent of women will be victims of domestic and sexual violence in their lifetime. Marital rape is legal. In the region around the city of Matara alone, 100 cases of domestic violence are reported every month. Because only 2 percent of the perpetrators are convicted and the victims are discriminated against and marginalized, the number of unreported cases is far higher. Many victims are - due to a lack of training - financially dependent on the perpetrator and often suffer their fate for years.
This is how concrete the Sambol Foundation helps thanks to your donation.
In the shelter of the Sambol Foundation, women affected by violence and their children receive:
First aid: Many women flee immediately after an act of violence and need medical care and psychological care.
Loving and protected accommodation: The women should be able to feel safe again in the community. Common household chores such as cooking, washing or cleaning give the women a daily structure.
Psychological support: Those affected receive psychological support in several sessions so that they can better deal with the trauma they have experienced (resilience). In coaching sessions they get to know their rights and learn how they can better protect themselves and their children from violence in the future.
Training: The women take part - adapted to their previous knowledge - in literacy, computer or training courses - for example to become a seamstress. This increases the chance of starting a new, non-violent life thanks to financial independence.
Legal support: if there is evidence, it will be documented. The women are encouraged to report the perpetrator (s). You will receive legal support during any legal proceedings.
Administrative help: e.g. B. when children of affected women change schools for safety reasons.
Every donation is valuable - thank you very much for your support.